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The winner of the Start Tel Aviv contest will travel to Israel in October


What awaits the winner of the Start Tel Aviv 2013 competition? Five exhilarating days filled with meetings with potential investors and representatives of important venture capital groups, and excursions to Jerusalem and to the Dead Sea. The award will be announced on September 7, 2013 as part of the Germany-wide inaugural Long Night of Start-ups in Berlin, and the winner will travel to Israel from October 13 – 17.

Applicants should be between 25 and 40 and have founded a start-up in the Web, mobile or security sector that is already in the seed stage. Applications should be submitted either in writing or as a short video clip to demonstrate why the start-up has earned a business trip to Tel Aviv.

The Israeli Foreign Ministry is holding the competition in 14 countries with the support of national partners. The 14 winners of their respective national competitions will travel to Tel Aviv, where they will find fertile ground for development. Israel is known around the world as a country with an above average number of start-ups. It also acquires more than twice the amount of venture capital than the USA. The heart of Israel’s start-up scene is Tel Aviv.

The German partner for Start Tel Aviv 2013 is Berlin Partner GmbH, which plays an active role in promoting the German capital’s young start-up scene. Berlin Partner sees an excellent opportunity to network start-ups internationally through the competition. The German winner will be announced as one of the highlights of Germany’s first Long Night of Start-ups.


Ihr Ansprechpartner

  • Lukas Breitenbach

    Leiter Unternehmenskommunikation

    +49 157 73998-123

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    Carolin Meltendorf

    Stellvertretende Pressesprecherin

    +49 151 15075829

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