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30 years of Partner für Berlin

30 years of partnership – 30 years for Berlin.

This year we are celebrating the 30th anniversary of Partner für Berlin and look back on three decades full of events, changes and ideas! Where shall we start? By introducing the Supervisory Board members of Partner für Berlin Holding, letting them talk about their moments and sharing their view of Berlin.

Three questions, three answers – today with ...

Tanja Wielgoss, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors at Gipfelglück GmbH and member of the Supervisory Board of Partner für Berlin Holding Gesellschaft für Hauptstadt-Marketing mbH

The writer Jean Paul once said “Berlin is more a continent than a city”. Berlin is Marzahn-Hellersdorf. Berlin is Spandau. Berlin is Neukölln. Berlin is Laubenkolonie and Berghain. The Späti around the corner and the current House of Finance and Tech. Hertha, Union and Viktoria, multicultural, diversity, cosmopolitanism, versatility and colourful. What is your view of the city?

Berlin is different every day and in every neighbourhood. That is what I love so much about the city. And that is why I have been able to be fulfilled here for over 20 years. As a partner in a global management consultancy, Kearney, I felt at home in the city and enjoyed the provinciality of the city after all the international jet-setting. As Managing director of the association and head of Berlin’s municipal cleaning service, it was the cosmopolitan aura and internationality that always inspired me. And now, as a startup entrepreneur, I am once again entering completely different spheres of this, my favourite city. And I haven’t even mentioned what my teenage kids prefer :-).

Success stories in Berlin start with a good idea; they are developed by people from around 170 different nations who live and work here. After reunification, Berlin’s economy faced key challenges. The aim was to build up the economy, position Berlin as an attractive location and attract investors to the city. How has Berlin changed in the last 30 years?

Berlin is constantly changing. While 20 years ago I could hardly find an excellent restaurant, today there are countless on my list and I can’t even manage to try them all. For me, this is a wonderful indication of the development of the metropolis. After all, culinary art only develops where the economy is flourishing, where local and international residents are keen to experiment and where chefs break new ground because they know that they are welcome and in demand here. 

30 years of Berlin Partner Network, with many events, activities and highlights. What was your most exciting networking experience?

I love the “Berlin Master Chefs” event. And my absolute highlight was the excellently curated food experience tour with courageous hosts during the Corona period. In a small group and in different cohorts, we explored various insider tips and at the same time locations that are so popular that you hardly have a chance of finding a place outside of pandemic times. We felt a bit like great adventurers and yet we were simply doing what was more important than anything else at the time: Flying the flag for a very important economic and quality of life factor in this city. 


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