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Berlin is becoming a hotspot for quantum technology

19. September 2023 - Kick-off for the Berlin Quantum Alliance (BQA): This joint initiative by Berlin's business community, research institutions and universities is intended to make Berlin an international hotspot for the research and development of quantum technologies.

At the same time, a new innovation hub and coworking space for quantum technologies will be presented in Berlin at the Berlin Adlershof Innovation and start-up centre: the Leap. In the future, it will provide a platform for exchange, networking and collaboration between actors from science, business and the start-up scene who want to address the potentials and challenges of quantum technologies. In addition, it will also offer free space for new start-ups and guests who want to take a look at Berlin's quantum ecosystem.

In order to create new synergies between the capital and world-leading centres for quantum technologies, a Berlin delegation with around 30 participants, led by Berlin Partner and accompanied by State Secretary Michael Biel, will leave for Washington D.C. on 24 September 2023.  The focal point of the trip will be the Quantum World Congress, where all participants in the delegation - and thus the capital's quantum ecosystem - present themselves with the BQA.

The trip's programme includes extraordinary visits, such as to IONQ, the world's leading startup in the development of quantum computers, and NIST, the renowned National Institute of Standards and Technology. A visit to NASA is also planned, which will provide insights into the development of quantum technologies for space applications.

Dr. Stefan Franzke, CEO of  Berlin Partner: "Berlin is a constantly growing and changing metropolis that attracts young talent from all around the world. The framework conditions for the transfer of new knowledge and research in industry are ideal and offer stable development conditions for quantum technology to make the step over into industrial use. The Berlin Quantum Alliance promotes the already existing dynamic quantum community in Berlin and encourages it to continue on this path. Berlin will once again be a place where we are already working today on the answers to the questions of tomorrow."

Further information about the Berlin Quantum Alliance, the kick-off event and the delegation trip to the USA can be found at:



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