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Lightweight construction - an industry of the future

Berlin, 23 January 2024 - Lightweight construction conserves resources, saves energy, reduces CO₂ emissions and increases efficiency. Lightweight construction is a cross-industry key technology for the energy transition. By combining different materials in conjunction with sustainable material cycles, it is a driver for resource and energy-efficient products and saves costs at the same time. A unique mix of start-ups, medium-sized companies and up-and-coming Industry 4.0 with excellent universities and research institutes creates an ideal environment for the development and application of lightweight construction technologies in the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan region.

As part of the Berlin-Brandenburg Lightweight Construction Initiative, Berlin’s Economics Minister Franziska Giffey and Jörg Steinbach, Brandenburg’s Minister for Economic Affairs, Labour and Energy, as well as Dr. Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of Berlin Partner, jointly visited Photon Laser Manufacturing GmbH  and Boschen & Oetting Automatisierungs-Bau GmbH in Berlin-Spandau.

Other representatives of companies from the Berlin-Brandenburg Lightweight Construction Initiative participated in the event. The main aim of this initiative is to raise the profile of the capital region as a lightweight construction industry region through joint, cross-sector and cross-cluster activities by presenting competitive companies active in lightweight construction and showcasing the increasing value creation both within Germany and internationally.

  • Photocredit: Berlin Partner /


  • Photocredit: Berlin Partner /


  • Photocredit: Berlin Partner /


  • Photocredit: Berlin Partner /



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