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Region of the future

Berlin, 15 February 2024 - Berlin has once again cemented its position as one of Europe’s leading cities and regions by winning a series of awards from the fDi Intelligence Magazine of the Financial Times. Every year in February, the magazine publishes a ranking entitled “European Cities & Regions of the Future”, which rates European cities and regions according to their economic, financial and business strengths.

In the current ranking for 2024, Berlin and the capital region have achieved outstanding results, winning awards in several categories.

The capital on the Spree is recognised as one of the top 3 cities in the “FDI strategy” category for fDi’s Major European Cities of the Future 2024. This recognition honours Berlin’s innovative approaches and efforts in the area of foreign direct investment.

Furthermore, the Berlin region is second in the “Overall” category and one of the top 3 regions in the “Economic Potential” and “Business Friendliness” areas. These awards reflect the economic dynamism and friendly business environment that companies find in the region.

Particularly noteworthy: the recognition as winner in the “Human Capital and Lifestyle” category. This section emphasises the high quality of life and the rich talent pool that make Berlin and the capital region an attractive location for skilled workers and companies.

Dr Stefan Franzke, CEO of Berlin Partner: “With these good rankings, Berlin once again proves the outstanding potential that the city offers as a central European business location. The diverse economic and scientific landscape on the Spree enables companies to network extensively, benefit from the good infrastructure, break new ground and grow in a modern location. Berlin inspires creativity and creates space for experimentation.”

Overall, these awards recognise the ongoing commitment and successful strategies that Berlin is pursuing to consolidate its position as one of Europe’s leading economic and business centres. The recognition by the fDi Intelligence magazine not only honours the current successes, but also confirms Berlin’s promising future prospects as a magnet for investment and innovation.


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