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Vehicle State 2.0

20. September 2023 - What opportunities do new mobility concepts offer for the regional automotive industry? How can we use the transformation to build a strong vehicle and supplier industry and become one of the leading regions in Germany? These and more topics were discussed by over 100 representatives from the mobility sector at the second ReTraNetz-BB Forum on 20.09.2023. The ReTraNetz Berlin-Brandenburg is the transformation network for the vehicle and supplier industry in the region.

An interactive and exciting program of keynotes, live interviews, breakout sessions, the launch of the mobility concepts study and slido quizzes awaited the participants. Dr. Stefan Carsten, futurologist, emphasised in his keynote that mobility players are in a highly dynamic phase and that the “battery market with astronomical growth prospects can be a driver for the region.” As a best practice transformation example, the company Ahlberg Metalltechnik GmbH showed successful strategies in dealing successfully with different aspects of the changes.

A highlight of the event was the official launch of the study “Opportunities for regional industry through innovative mobility concepts in the capital region - a look into the future”. Three areas were identified as regional opportunities: software-based business models, the automation and networking of vehicles and the diversification of vehicle types. Subsequent speakers unanimously emphasised: Berlin-Brandenburg has the ideal prerequisites to benefit from the industry transformation and establish itself as the Vehicle State 2.0 in Germany.

All impulses and comments collected will flow into the transformation strategy of the ReTraNet and the offer to be developed in the network.

©️ Dominik Tryba



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