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Welcome@Berlin-Partner Breakfast on April 28th 2022

The Berlin Partner network thrives from the engagement of its members and the activities and ideas of each individual partner. We’ve been growing that bond through providing new contact opportunities and personal exchange.
On April 28th 2022 we invited new „Berlin Partners“ and new faces from existing partners to our exclusive live event Welcome@Berlin-Partner Breakfast at Pan Am Lounge - Berlin.
In a soothing atmosphere the event gave participants the possibility to engage and exchange views on their activities and ours. Additionally the new Berlin Partners could get to know Dr. Stefan Franzke and Myriam Sztayn.


Berlin Partner Talk: Platform Economy


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Artprojekt Entwicklungen GmbH

Interview with Dr. Alexandra Stosch, Managing Director, Artprojekt Entwicklungen GmbH

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Berlin against anti-Semitism - new statements


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An up-to-date overview and status of the Berlin ecosystem is provided by the Berlin Startup Monitor published in March.

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Startup Agenda Berlin

With over 600 new startups every year, Berlin’s position as a startup capital is a mainstay of the city's economy.

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Strong Women, for a Strong Berlin.

This is what women entrepreneurs in Berlin have to say. In recognition of International Women's Day, we interviewed members of our Berlin Partner network.

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