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Berlin is already one of the leading locations for 3D printing

Berlin wants to become the 3D printing capital of Europe by 2030. A current benchmark study on the subject of “Additive manufacturing in the capital region” shows that Berlin is already well on the way there. A key driver for this development is the 3D printing initiative coordinated by Berlin Partner AMBER - Additive Manufacturing Berlin Brandenburg.

According to the study, the strengths lie above all in the positive environment that founders of the industry in particular encounter here locally. The capital region is already one of the leading locations for start-ups in the field of additive manufacturing (abbreviation: AM) in Europe. The AM ecosystem in the region also has a broad-based business network and numerous institutions of relevant research and development. Last but not least, the study highlights the strong political commitment of the State of Berlin.  

The Berlin Senate is currently investing more than 13 million Euro in 12 cutting-edge projects that focus specifically on additive manufacturing. The funding goes to research and development projects in medical technology, lightweight construction and space technology. On the occasion of the AM Forum on 4 and 5 July, at which Berlin Partner will present the individual AMBER projects to the public for the first time, the funding approvals of the expected top innovations 'Made in Berlin' will be honoured by the Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises, Franziska Giffey, at the pre-event on 3 July. The AM Forum is Europe’s leading user conference for industrial additive manufacturing that is held annually in Berlin.

Franziska Giffey, Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises: “Additive manufacturing is no longer a dream of the future, rather it is a practical reality. It connects our strong digital economy with industry and is therefore important for the necessary transformation of the economy. In many industries that are of great importance to Berlin, such as medical technology, mechanical engineering or aerospace technology, it is no longer possible to imagine life without this key technology. We will continue to promote this for Berlin, especially in the AMBER network, in order to leverage even more potential and use it for Berlin as a business location.”

Dr Stefan Franzke, CEO of Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie: “The capital region is home to the entire value chain of additive manufacturing, offers the largest 3D printing start-up ecosystem and, under the umbrella of AMBER, has the best prerequisites to become the place to go in Europe in this context. As an important interface between the digital economy and industry, technology benefits greatly from Berlin's heterogeneous startup landscape.”

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie – We work for innovation and growth!
The business development company Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie is Berlin’s service provider for growth and innovation. Berlin Partner supports companies and investors in their move to Berlin and in their development in this city. Berlin Partner’s experts provide information on financing options, advise on finding suitable premises or qualified personnel and help build networks with partners from the world of science. The State of Berlin and more than 230 companies committed to promoting their city stand behind Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie as a unique public/private partnership. Berlin Partner is also responsible for marketing the German capital worldwide.


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  • Carolin Meltendorf

    Press Spokeswoman
    Head of Communication

    +49 151 15075829

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