More than 6,000 new jobs for Berlin
Half-year update from Berlin Partner for Business and Technology
The economy in the capital is racing from one record to the next: In the first half of this year alone, 6,443 new jobs were created in the 164 projects that Berlin Partner for Business and Technology is supporting. Compared to the half-year figure from the previous year, this corresponds to an increase of 52 percent. Nearly two-thirds of the jobs are being created in expansion projects: for example at Hella Aglaia Mobile Vision. The developer of intelligent visual sensor systems is planning to grow by 200 employees to a total of 500 employees at the Tempelhof location.
The volume of investment in the Berlin-Partner projects grew in the first half of 2017 even more dramatically: by around 75 percent to 356 million euros. There was a particularly big jump in the third-party funds raised for innovations. These increased by 333 percent in the first half of the year from 24.5 million euros to 106 million euros, which is more than quadrupled.
Ramona Pop, Mayor and Senator for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises: “The Berlin success story continues. The employees of Berlin Partner are making an important contribution to it. We are all encouraged to maintain framework conditions for the successful continuation of this work. We mustn't stifle dynamic economic development, for example, by a lack of space. This is why it is so important that the grounds of the Tegel Airport, after the air traffic stops, are able to be expanded with their large area into a gathering place of business and science, of living and working.”
That economic growth in Berlin is sustainable, is evident in the fact that almost two-thirds of all jobs were created in expansion projects in the first half of the year. At 231.1 million euros, almost two-thirds of all investments were made in expansion projects.
Dr. Stefan Franzke, CEO of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology: “With more than 6,000 new jobs, we’ve already reached the total number from 2016 in just the first six months. This impressively shows how popular the capital is. Berlin attracts people from all over the world, who come here to live and work. We’re working with the companies from settlement and development to expansion into all parts of the world. Because most of them have come to stay in Berlin and to see their business succeed from here. That is why it is worthwhile to continue to drive this growth.”
The Berlin start-up scene is increasingly becoming one of the most important employers in Berlin. The number of jobs rose by 1,125 jobs to 1,908 compared to the same period from the previous year. This corresponds to an increase of 70 percent. One in three jobs in Berlin-Partner projects is now being created in a start-up. The scene is not only growing, but it’s also becoming more international. Berlin Partner is supporting start-ups in opening up new markets with the start-up exchange program Start Alliance Berlin.
This is how, for example, the Berlin start-up Foodspring spent five days in Shanghai in April. As a result, Berlin Partner provided five employees free workplaces in co-working spaces from TusStar in Shanghai. The stay in China provided decisive impulses for the founding of a new company. Under the company name Genuine German GmbH, the Chinese business will be outsourced from now on and Foodspring and other products will perform on the Chinese market. And that also strengthens Berlin as a location.
Following New York City, Paris, Tel Aviv, and Shanghai, London is new partner city of the program. Berlin’s partner city Los Angeles will follow in October.