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ReTraNetz-Berlin-Brandenburg starts

Award for the capital region: In order to make the automotive industry and its employees fit for the future, Berlin and Brandenburg are receiving around eight million Euro in funding from the Federal government. This money is part of the 200 million Euro package from the Federal Ministry of Economics to create so-called regional transformation networks (ReTraNetz) to advance the mobility change and the associated new requirements for the vehicle industry.

Dr Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of the Berlin Partner business development agency: “The future of mobility and therefore also the future of the automotive industry is being shaped in the capital region. With the new funding project, the Berlin Partner business development agency can once again make use of its great strength: Networks. We can now create structures in which all bright minds – in science and business, in start-ups and established companies – work on the issues of mobility transition and provide targeted support to regional companies in the automotive and supplier industry. With its unique and diverse ecosystem, the capital region is the ideal place. Berlin thereby underlines its claim to be the future capital of the Republic of Ideas Germany.”

The settlement of Tesla has catapulted the region into the premier league of automotive locations. But even beyond that, the value chains are currently coming together in Berlin-Brandenburg – from the lithium refinery to battery cell production and automobile assembly. The ReTraNetz project is about finding a new understanding of mobility, developing the existing automotive industry and shaping structural change together. That is why the transformation network includes not only Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie as the coordinator, but also trade unions and employers’ associations, educational institutions and scientific institutions such as the TU Berlin and Fraunhofer IPK. The aim is for all stakeholders to work together to find the best ideas and solutions, as well as to develop measures to support partners in the region to implement them. Berlin Partner leads the strategy development, communication and integration of other partners as well as the scouting and evaluation of mobility concepts, technologies and services. In addition to its expertise in innovation management, the business development agency also brings a global network along with it.

Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie – We work for innovation and growth!

The business development company Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie is Berlin’s service provider for growth and innovation. Berlin Partner supports companies and investors in their move to Berlin and in their development in this city. Berlin Partner’s experts provide information on financing options, advise on finding suitable premises or qualified personnel and help build networks with partners from the world of science. The State of Berlin and more than 230 companies committed to promoting their city stand behind Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie as a unique public/private partnership. Berlin Partner is also responsible for marketing the German capital worldwide.






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    +49 157 73998-123

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