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Arden University

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Photo credit: © Soheil Moradianboroujeni

Tobias Kliem, Managing Director, Arden University


1. Describe your company in a Tweet!

Arden University gives students the opportunity to learn flexibly - online and at one of our Study Centres in Berlin and the UK. All courses are modern and designed to make our students fit for the jobs of the future.


2. Why are you involved as a Berlin Partner?

As a young university, the Berlin Partner network offers us a wide range of opportunities to gain a foothold in Berlin. The numerous opportunities for networking and exchanging ideas are ideal for our company and for our students.


3. What topics drive you in relation to your industry?

Future-oriented education, education technology, connections between business and technology.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?

Berlin is a wonderfully dynamic and international city that has a unique welcoming culture and diversity. This is reflected not only in art and culture, but also in the great start-up scene, which is unparalleled anywhere in Europe.


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your company?

Berlin is a highly attractive city for students. It is relatively easy to get around, find your feet and find work in Berlin, even without knowing German. Berlin offers our students and graduates a wide range of opportunities and provides us with a lot of internationally trained talent on the job market.


6. What does Berlin stand for?

Diversity, variety, historical and architectural breaks, tolerance ("each to his own").


7. How does your institution implement the topic of sustainability?

Arden University is strongly committed to sustainability. Since gaining degree-awarding powers in 2015, the university has embraced the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, embedding them in its culture and aligning its CSR strategy with them.

Among the university's initiatives is a pledge to plant a tree for each of its graduates through the conservation organisation Trees for Life, which works to preserve rural areas in Scotland and promote wildlife. Arden has also set a target to become completely carbon neutral by the end of 2021.

Earlier this year, in the clearest sign yet of its focus on sustainability and social benefit, the University signed up to the UN Principles of Responsible Management Education (UN PRME), which enables it to share best practice across a network of nearly 900 leading business and management schools in 99 countries worldwide.

In practice, this means a real commitment to educating leaders of the future who care about sustainability. To date, Arden has donated laptops to schools, set up a hardship fund for students and partnered with the mental health charity Mind - all of which enable the company to recruit students from a diverse talent pool and train them to be sustainable leaders of the future.



Exclusive information for Berlin-Partners

Photocredit: © Soheil Moradianboroujeni

