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ecobuilding AG

Christoph Gröner and Ronald Pofalla, members of the baord  ecobuilding AG 


1. Describe your company in a tweet.   

ecobuilding AG is a company specifically focused on sustainability that will drive the real estate industry forward with pioneering innovations. Through the use of digitalization, prefabrication and an individual energy mix, CO2 emissions in the building sector will be significantly reduced.

2. Why are you involved as a Berlin-Partner? 

The vision of ecobuilding AG is to ensure a virtually climate-neutral real estate industry. Housing is the social issue of our time. Berlin needs solutions to counter the current situation on the real estate market, co-developed by project developers, politicians and economic experts. That's why we have our headquarters here. 

3. What issues drive you in relation to your industry?  

Rising interest rates, increased material and wage costs and the current energy prices - the current poor situation on the real estate market presents us with major challenges as drivers of innovation in the construction industry, but we will master them in the best possible way.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?  

Berlin is one of the most important real estate locations in Germany. What is happening here in the capital is exemplary for the German real estate market. The supply of housing is becoming increasingly scarce, but despite this, no new building land is being designated. Immigration is high, but there is a lack of affordable housing.


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your company?  

By using digital, technological and ecological innovations, we are able to speed up construction and, in particular, make housing more affordable and sustainable. In this way, we can also serve as a role model for political solutions here in Berlin that can have nationwide relevance.


6. What does Berlin stand for to you?

The capital is like a magnifying glass for the situation that is emerging in society and especially in the construction industry throughout the country. Politicians in the government district gain their impression of the problems occurring here for the measures they may then take nationwide.


7. How does your company implement the topic of sustainability?

Sustainability is our top priority: for example, our aim is to achieve an almost climate-neutral energy supply for entire districts by using various innovative technologies for the self-sufficient generation of renewable energy. An optimal combination makes it possible to both use and store environmental energy on site. To this end, our team of energy experts examines and develops individual solutions depending on the conditions on site.

