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HSD Hochschule Döpfer GmbH

Prof. Dr. Stefan Stein, Managing Director Development of HSD Hochschule Döpfer GmbH 


1. Describe your company.   

Whether Bachelor's or Master's, part-time or full-time, online or face-to-face - HSD Hochschule Döpfer is an established name for degree programs in the health and social sector! We train our students today to become the professionals of tomorrow in a practical and evidence-based way.

2. Why are you involved as a Berlin-Partner? 

With more than 110 institutions, Berlin is one of the most diverse and largest scientific regions in Europe. As a private university with high standards in teaching and research and adaptable structures, we are constantly realigning ourselves in order to integrate innovative ideas quickly and sustainably. One of our goals is to establish the HSD Health Tec Hub in Potsdam in order to combine the fields of health, (quality of) life and society with digital technologies in an interdisciplinary manner. Berlin is both a symbol (and central location) of the digital start-up scene in Germany, as well as a magnet for the entire metropolitan region and for many international talents. The capital is therefore of particular interest to us as a science location and we are delighted to be able to benefit from the image of the Berlin brand and the capital's numerous marketing activities as part of the exciting network of partners. 

3. What issues drive you in relation to your industry?  

As a practice- and future-oriented university, we educate our students in accordance with current quality standards - whereby we not only orient ourselves nationally, but also internationally. In order to always meet the current requirements in the health and social sector, we are continuously developing our degree programs. Due to the advancing digitalization, the topic of digital health is also playing an increasingly important role in the healthcare sector - and thus also for HSD Hochschule Döpfer. By implementing innovative study programs, we want to drive forward the development of networked health technologies and thus make a contribution to this development. In addition, we are constantly expanding our intensive cooperation with practice partners in order to provide our graduates with the best possible qualifications for their professional lives.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?  

Berlin is a city full of diversity and contrasts. History and modernity, East and West, art, culture and education as well as tradition and innovation come together here. This unique mix is what makes Berlin such an exciting and vibrant melting pot and science location for our students and employees.


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your company?  

Berlin is attractive for us as a private university for several reasons. The diversity and excellent quality of the educational landscape offer students an inspiring learning environment and numerous networking opportunities. Dynamic corporate developments provide exciting career options. In addition, Berlin is known for its cultural diversity and high quality of life and, as a capital city and transportation hub, has excellent national and international connections.


6. What does Berlin stand for to you?

For us, Berlin stands for freedom, tolerance, progress and cosmopolitanism. It is a city that never stands still and is constantly "on the move" socially, politically and scientifically. In short, it is an intercultural place of inspiration, change and development that encourages people to overcome their own boundaries and discover new potential. In terms of education, this means access to a variety of educational and training opportunities for people from different backgrounds.


7. How does your company implement the topic of sustainability?

Sustainability at HSD: lived practice!

We see it as our social responsibility to actively contribute to sustainable development. That is why sustainability at HSD is deeply rooted in our mission statement and is lived practice in all areas:

✔ Teaching: We integrate current research findings on sustainability into our teaching and offer exciting guest lectures.

✔ Research: Our research projects and theses are dedicated to forward-looking sustainability topics.

✔ Campus: We promote sustainable behaviour on campus with measures such as paper and plastic avoidance, digitalization and Fairtrade.

✔ Student participation: We support student initiatives and projects and offer a wide range of opportunities to get actively involved.

✔ Transfer: We share our knowledge with society through science communication, university certificates and awards.

Together we are shaping a sustainable future! #Sustainability #University #Future #Education #Together #Responsibility

