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mindverse by Relativity GmbH

(c) Relativity GmbH

Noel Lorenz, CEO Relativity GmbH   


1.  Describe your company in a tweet.  

Mindverse is an all-in-one tool for German content: Research, brainstorming, image creation, text generation and analysis with our artificial intelligence.

2.  Why do you get involved as aBerlin-Partner?

Mindverse is a Berlin company by conviction. We benefit greatly from the city's networked start-up scene and are happy to participate in its promotion. In addition, we would like to advance the topic of artificial intelligence and, above all, strengthen Berlin as a location in this regard.

3.  What topics drive you in relation to your industry?

Artificial intelligence offers a similar revolutionary potential as the steam engine: with AI, we can automate countless, often mundane activities. We are working to build a bridge between humans and AI. We want to show that AI is not a danger, but an opportunity.

4.  Why is Berlin attractive for your company?

Due to Berlin's unique charm and the high density of start-ups and universities, the city attracts particularly young, innovative and creative minds - exactly the people who are in demand when it comes to the development of artificial intelligence.

5.  How does your company implement the topic of sustainability?

At first it may seem counterintuitive, but those who text with Mindverse often write more sustainably. Working more efficiently also means avoiding unnecessary steps in a value chain. After all, every step in the value chain generates economic activity, but also CO2.

