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MaxResolution3D GmbH

Dario Dill, Co-Founder, Operations & Digitalization


1.  Describe your company in a tweet. 

MaxResolution3D mass produces your plastic products with one of the first automated 3D printing production cells. Save expensive tooling costs, prevent overproduction (= plastic waste) and have your plastic parts produced in the heart of Europe, in Berlin. 


2.  Why get involved as a Berlin-Partner? 

Berlin Partner offers MaxResolution3D the ideal entry into Berlin entrepreneurship. As a young, innovative company, we are not only interested in exchanging ideas with other Berlin companies, but also want to re-establish Berlin as a production location and support the city in becoming the 3D printing capital of Europe.


3.  What topics drive you in relation to your industry?  

The terms 3D printing and series have so far only been mentioned in special cases in the same sentence. We want to enable SMEs to have a plan up their sleeve against component supply shortages by having us produce plastic parts locally in Berlin. We also want to expand the automation of 3D printing production and install a scalable production chain step by step.

4.  What makes Berlin special for you? 

Both founders were born and raised in Berlin, so their company should also grow up and grow in Berlin. For Max and Dario, Berlin is diversity, international and simply home.


5.  How does your company implement the topic of sustainability? 

Local production means short delivery routes. Doing without tools means doing without a complete branch of production. Production on demand means no overproduction.

