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Photo credit: © SAP SE

Dr. Caroline King, Senior Director, Global Head Business Support, Digital Government, SAP SE


1. Describe your company in a Tweet!

In the midst of the European innovation landscape, @SAP_Berlin combines the power of a global company with the strength of a local ecosystem. This is how we shape SAP's image as an innovation pioneer and promote our market-leading position for enterprise software in Berlin.


2. Why are you involved as a Berlin Partner?

As a global company, Berlin is a very important and exciting location for us. It is a place to engage in dialogue with customers, partners, politics, but also to exploit synergy potentials. For this reason, we are pleased to be involved as a Berlin partner and to set impulses.


3. What topics drive you in relation to your industry?

As a market leader in business software, SAP helps companies of all sizes and in all industries to achieve their goals in the best possible way. Our machine learning, Internet of Things and advanced analytics technologies help our customers on their journey to becoming smart businesses. Our applications and services help customers in 25 industries worldwide to be profitable and always adapt in new and flexible ways. With a global network of customers, partners, employees and thought leaders, SAP helps improve the operations of the world's economies and the lives of people.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?

In this vibrant Berlin ecosystem, which is characterised by start-ups, tech companies and innovation drivers, we as SAP have the opportunity to use synergies and set impulses. Berlin offers a large network of universities, young and international talent. In addition, many conferences, trade fairs and events take place in Berlin. It is therefore no coincidence that SAP has been working with the vibrant Berlin ecosystem for over 30 years. We get new impetus from interacting with the ecosystem and the ecosystem benefits from us here on the ground.


5. What does Berlin stand for?

The German capital offers a dynamic ecosystem for startups, science, talent and all companies that carry innovation in their DNA. For us, Berlin stands for diversity, dynamism, creativity, innovation and endless possibilities.


6. How does your institution implement the topic of sustainability?

SAP aims to be both a pioneer and a role model in sustainability through innovative solutions. As early as 10 years ago, SAP made it its mission to promote sustainability throughout the company and for our customers, and it is therefore an integral part of our overall corporate strategy. 
For this reason, we have set ourselves strategic goals:

  • Reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions
  • Actively reduce our own greenhouse gas emissions since 2009 in order to be completely climate neutral by the end of 2023.
  • We are working on three levers to achieve this ambitious goal:
  • Avoid emissions (use of virtual telecommunication instead of business flights - big effect in the Corona year)
  • Reduce (operation of data centres or electric mobility)
    - Green cloud: 100% electricity from renewable energy sources for all data centres and facilities worldwide since 2014
    - E-cars: 10,000 company cars electrified by 2025.

SAP is not only active itself, but also offers various solutions to support our customers in achieving their sustainability goals. For example, data is used, analysed and visualised across the entire value creation process to ensure sustainable business management and decision-making. In addition, we want to increase the speed of working with internal start-ups such as GreenToken and external start-up partners (SAP.iO Sustainability Cohort).

Exclusive information for Berlin-Partners

Photocredit: © SAP SE

