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TeamOn GmbH

Timo Friedmann | CEO | TeamOn GmbH 


1. Describe your company in a tweet (mission statement)

We can do a lot of things.

What we can't do: work slowly, complicated coordination, endless feedback loops, big meetings, boring pictures, texts that make you fall asleep.

We are TeamOn, a content agency from Pankow. With a heart for Berlin, sports and mobility.


2. Why are you involved as a Berlin-Partner

We live in Berlin, we love Berlin, some of our children were born in Berlin. We want to make this city better, more livable, more diverse, and we want to live happily with and in this city for the long term. We would like to make a contribution to this. TeamOn, together as a team with so many other great partners. We are all united by the desire to show the beauty of Berlin a little more every day and every week.


3. What issues drive you in terms of your industry? 

The founders of TeamOn are journalists. We have filmmakers, journalists, creatives and artists working for us. As them, we are diverse, open, interested in topics and sometimes stubborn. We know a lot about a lot of topics, but we're best at moving topics from the areas of mobility, technology, sports.


4. What makes Berlin special for you?

The uniqueness. Many are diverse, few are multi-layered. Berlin combines both with charming uniqueness. Big-city and gritty at the same time, modern and backward-looking all in one, wild and stuffy, narrow-minded and crazy. Like a wildflower meadow. Colorful and chaotic, rough around the edges and sometimes unkempt. But beautiful at heart.


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your business?

Berlin gushes like an inexhaustible spring. Berlin is the city of creatives, yes, read that a thousand times. But Berlin is also the city of the country's brightest minds. Berlin charges ahead, falls behind, tries, loses, wins, manifests. Berlinert, in other words. We like to bubble along with it.


6. What does Berlin stand for?

For the never-ending new beginning. For eternal youth in the heart. For the bad and the beautiful. For the naïve and the doubtful, for forward thinkers and contrarians, for peace and against war. For falling down and getting up again. For the future.


7. How does your company implement sustainability?

The simplest of all: conserve resources, consume less. This means: not saving, but moderation. Not doing everything just to do something. Organic instead of discount stores, local instead of global. Wherever possible.


