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Berlin is knorke: A new approach to wind energy

26. June 2023 – Low price, high flexibility and easy transport – this is how the company MOWEA impresses with its modular wind turbines. Renewable energies are the means of the future for the energy transition. Up to now, this has been thought of as large systems that can be found in fields or offshore at sea. MOWEA has rethought wind power and for the first time has developed small wind turbines that can be used individually, combined or integrated into existing infrastructures. Above all, flexible transport and construction facilitate energy generation in urban areas. In addition to the low-cost production of the micro wind turbines, the transport costs can also be minimised thanks to the modularity.

The big advantage of wind turbines is the production and at the same time direct use of the energy close to consumers on site and the associated savings in CO2. The systems from MOWEA, in combination with storage systems, enable a high degree of self-sufficiency and thereby reduce the dependence on energy producers based on fossil fuels or external diesel generators. A wind energy system consisting of several independently running wind turbines also protects against expensive outages.


The areas of application are limitless: from real estate to telecommunications or even energy recovery. MOWEA advises, configures, installs and maintains the systems. The latest communication interfaces via an Internet connection also enable smart control of the systems and the best possible safety thanks to an integrated braking system.

MOWEA can even minimise the constantly discussed problems of wind turbines, such as the high noise level, vibrations for surrounding buildings or dangerous low-frequency waves, with new technologies and constant optimisation.

The company was founded in 2015 with the motivation of “making an effective and economical contribution to achieving the global climate goal” and to implement smart city visions for a sustainable future. The products are already in (trial) use.  Last year, the innovative Berlin company was awarded the Innovationspreis Berlin-Brandenburg.


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