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Berlin is knorke: Smart diagnostic wearable

27. February 2023 –  Handy as a wearable, highly precise as in a laboratory, and smart for preventive health care: The IR spectrometer developed by Quantune Technologies GmbH is so small that it fits on any wrist, enabling non-invasive measurement of important biomarkers such as glucose and alcohol. Uniquely, the outstanding measurement quality of large laboratory spectrometers is combined with the advantages of fitness trackers for the first time. People with an increased risk of diabetes can then, for example, use it to monitor blood sugar levels and thus prevent seizures. This innovative technology was therefore awarded the Berlin Brandenburg Innovation Award in 2022.

But what actually is an IR spectrometer? Infrared spectroscopy - IR spectroscopy for short - is a physical analysis method that uses special light, so-called mid-infrared. To put it very simply, the IR spectrometer evaluates the "molecular fingerprint" of the samples (in this case tissue or liquids) and determines the chemical composition in order to detect physical changes that could potentially lead to diseases or, for example, to detect diabetes in the early stages.

The Berlin-based startup, consisting of experts from the fields of physics and biomedicine, was founded in 2019 and is located at the Adlershof Technology Park. With the support of Berlin Partner, including a ProFIT early-stage application, the founders have developed an initial prototype as part of the early company development. In addition, Quantune Technologies is networked with potential cooperation partners from the optics and photonics cluster as well as stakeholders from business and science via Berlin Partner's strong networks and is involved in industry activities. The dynamic deep-tech start-up is currently intensively working on the development of high-precision diagnostic devices such as the IR spectrometer, which is small, suitable for everyday use and a hundred times cheaper to manufacture than conventional laboratory spectrometers. With the help of the synergy benefits from research and Berlin's digital health industry, Quantune Technologies wants to help strengthen the overall appeal of Berlin-Brandenburg as a technology location for innovative companies.


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