Introducing the animated films #berlindustrie rocks
The industry in Berlin is diverse, modern, innovative – and it rocks! This is shown by the new animated films from the be Berlin industry campaign. “The industry in Berlin is characterized by its unique environment of creative minds, entrepreneurs and scientists from around the world. Ideas for innovations and developments in Berlin often emerge precisely at this interface and this is what the animated films of the be Berlin industry campaign are all about: They show the Berlin industry in a different way,” said Daniela Augenstein, senate spokeswoman.
As part of the “Wir in Berlin…” industry campaign, be Berlin produced creative animated films in collaboration with 15 industrial companies in Berlin. "Berlin is known as a creative metropolis, a start-up hub and a magnet for tourists, but the German capital is also an innovative production and development location for industrial companies. The industry campaign be Berlin visualizes the capital’s enormous potential as an industrial city and strengthens the image of industry in Berlin,” explained Dr. Stefan Franzke, Managing Director of Berlin Partner for Business and Technology.
Each short animated film is about a partner company within the campaign. A customized remix of the song “Berlin” from the Berlin-based band Bollmer is played in each of the films. The 15 remixes were created in close collaboration with 15 musicians and labels, and also in cooperation with Universal Music. In one of the films a giant wind turbine from Siemens is rotating to electronic beats as it supplies Berlin and the world with electricity. In the commercial for the pharmaceutical company Pfizer Deutschland, scientists are conducting research to lively laboratory sounds, while in another film motorcycles from the BMW plant in Spandau are cruising around the world to rock guitar sounds. “The world's only complete manufacturing site for BMW motorcycles is in the German capital – this is a fact not known to many. Every year more than 120,000 bikes roll off the assembly line, and are sent all over the world. That makes us the biggest exporter of the legendary “Berlin air”, namely in the tires of the 22 different models. We are partners of the industry campaign to strengthen the perception of Berlin as an innovative manufacturing base, especially for young talents, and to make industry tangible,” said Romy Ertl, Head of Communications for the BMW Group plant in Berlin.
be Berlin
Since 2008, Berlin Partner for Business and Technology has been successfully implementing the be Berlin campaign on behalf of the Berlin Senate. The campaign is comprised of many ideas, activities and events, showing what is so special about Berlin and establishing a whole city as a brand – be it as a growing business and science location, a creative metropolis or the “City of Opportunities”. Having this diversity, be Berlin will continue feeling the pulse of Berlin and introducing it to the world. More information at <link _blank - "Öffnet externen Link in neuem Fenster"></link>