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Photo credit: © GASAG AG

Georg Friedrichs, Chairman of the Board, GASAG AG


1. Why are you involved as a Berlin Partner?

GASAG and Berlin are now linked by 175 years of shared history. For us, Berlin is more than just a location - it is our home. It goes without saying that we are involved in the city and for the city: as a sponsor of sport, culture, education and social projects and also through our involvement with Partner für Berlin. Here we can contribute ideas and contacts for the city, and at the same time it helps us to look beyond the horizon of our industry. Berlin Partner connects us with all the others who want to move Berlin forward. This is good for the city - and for our company.


2. The world is changing. How is your world changing?

Fundamental. The climate crisis is changing our future, threatening our prosperity and perhaps even our freedom if we are not careful. Climate neutrality by 2040 is therefore our clear goal, sustainability in all business activities is the clear compass. This is a huge task for the GASAG Group, but also for our hundreds of customers. Today, we supply almost half of the city and a good part of Brandenburg reliably with heat, and we want it to stay that way. To achieve this, we will have to reinvent a large part of Berlin's heating supply over the next 19 years, change a lot of things or use existing ones in a new way. Renewable energies, i.e. green electrons, will first replace heating oil and coal and then natural gas. Green hydrogen and green gases will secure the system. We have to develop the necessary infrastructures from the status quo. We are working on that. 
Hundreds of thousands of buildings will have to be renovated over the next two decades: new technology in the basements, on the roofs and under the houses. Modern neighbourhood solutions will emerge that will be intelligent far beyond pure energy solutions. We have to think about transport and waste disposal and the social needs of all of us. This must and will work: We are relying on technologies such as geothermal energy for a rapidly growing number of decentralised projects. Heat pumps and photovoltaics. We are using them to equip properties and neighbourhoods that already get a good 50% of their heating and cooling from genuine renewable energy generated directly on site. We do this in existing buildings, but of course also where Berlin is growing. The best example is the new urban quarter being built on Gartenfeld Island in Spandau. Thousands of new flats will be built here in the coming years, and GASAG will plan, build and operate the energy and logistics centre, the new "Quartierswerk Gartenfeld", together with joint venture partners. A model project for Berlin and a climate-neutral, smart city.
All in all, this is a Herculean task, but one that does not frighten us. In the changed world, however, we will have to work in a more networked way and in partnership - because no one can manage this task alone. In general, it will take countless heads and hands to make our city climate-neutral. We are already tackling this task as well, looking for new people and stepping up our qualification and training efforts. All in all, I am firmly convinced that we can look forward to the future: A greener city will be more liveable. And common tasks create a sense of community, which we can all do with in these strange times.


3. What is "typically Berlin" for you?

That Berlin is so incredibly direct. That you immediately belong here, no matter who you are or what you wear. That it doesn't matter whether you grew up in Istanbul, Reinickendorf or, like me, in the Rhineland. That this city can be creative, dynamic and at the same time unspeakably down-to-earth. And that not everything is polished and finished, but that this city has many rough edges. A great place to live and work! 


4. You are very involved in the fight against anti-Semitism and thus also part of the initiative "Berlin against anti-Semitism": how are you involved (in the initiative) and what measures are you planning for 2022?

We have joined this campaign because we are convinced that lived diversity also includes a diverse Jewish life that has always enriched this city. Berlin is a colourful and open city overall. Where, if not here, do we want to create free and safe spaces for all residents and their lifestyles? And Berlin has a special responsibility towards Judaism. We will therefore gladly continue to be involved in the campaign in 2022 and make it part of our broad diversity activities within the company.


Exclusive information for Berlin-Partners

Photocredit: © GASAG AG

