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Vilua Healthcare GmbH

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Photo credit: © Vilua Healthcare GmbH

Jens Härtel, MD, CEO & Founder, Vilua HealthCare GmbH


1. Describe your company in a Tweet! 

Vilua promotes employee and insured health through personalized, sustainable health recommendations. Companies receive DSGVO-compliant health recommendations, accompanied by the University of Greifswald, down to the department level.


2. Why are you involved as a Berlin Partner? 

Vilua wants to sensitize partners in the network for sustainable and personal health promotion and thus make our contribution to a "healthier" city. We want to become the partner for health and well-being for companies and the city.


3. What issues drive you in relation to your industry? 

  • digitization in healthcare and making everyone more aware of their health through the increasing "measurement of the body"
  • application of machine learning and AI in health promotion
  • making health promotion in companies sustainable and with a positive ROI


4. What makes Berlin special for you? 

  • Berlin as the No. 1 healthcare location in Germany
  • numerous leading scientific institutions in the city, e.g., Charité
  • cultural diversity and attraction for talented, creative employees


5. Why is Berlin attractive for your company?

  • the existing scientific network, e.g. with the Charité
  • highly qualified employees
  • company to position our products
  • open to new, innovative concepts


6. What does Berlin stand for?

Berlin stands for movement and change, for growth and completely new possibilities! Berlin is colorful and culturally open to everyone. Berlin has developed at a rapid pace into an internationally attractive and sought-after business and technology location.


7. How does your company implement the topic of sustainability?

  • reducing office space by increasing home office
  • promote healthy employees (e.g. healthy snacks, personal health recommendations, membership in Urban Sports Club, etc.)
  • promote paperless office (e.g. no fax machine, digital archiving, Docusign, etc.)
  • waste separation


Exclusive information for Berlin-Partners

Photocredit: © Vilua Healthcare GmbH

