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Infrastructure makes the difference

19. Dezember 2023 - A well connected and effective infrastructure, a high density of research and development as well as close networking are of great value not only to founders. Within the successful healthcare and life sciences cluster Berlin-Brandenburg, these include numerous technology parks in the region. The parks offer optimal space including state of the art laboratories to start-up and grown-up companies.

With a total of eight technology parks in the life sciences, HealthCapital Berlin-Brandenburg is unique in Germany in terms of size and diversity:

These include the Berlinbiotechpark Charlottenburg, the Biopark Luckenwalde, the Campus Berlin-Buch, the Innovation Park Wuhlheide, the GO:IN Innovation and Start-up Center in the Potsdam Science Park in Golm, the Innovation Forum Hennigsdorf and the Science and Business Location Adlershof (WISTA). These parks provide a total of about 250,000 square meters.

To meet the strong demand for space of growing companies in the metropolitan region and to increase the attractiveness for start-ups in the life sciences, several expansions of the centers and new space offers for founders are already being implemented or planned.

The BerlinBioCube on the Campus Berlin-Buch  opened this year as a new start-up center on October 11th and creates space for up to 400 new jobs. Flexible and modern laboratory office space is offered on a total of 8.000 square meters. The start-up center is already the fourth construction phase in the BiotechPark and will host start-ups in the fields of innovative therapies and diagnostics.

Also, the Potsdam Science Park in Potsdam-Golm is expanding: Upcoming laboratory complexes will provide 78,000 square meters of rental space for startups and companies from life sciences and biotechnology in the immediate vicinity of the 7 hectares of commercial properties at the new Technology Campus.

The WISTA is currently building the FUBIC Innovation Center (Business and Innovation Center next to the Free University Campus). It will be equipped with offices, co-working space, and laboratories for up to 85 start-ups and young companies from the life sciences, healthcare and IT sectors.

Complementing these expansions, new, highly specialized sites are being built, such as SEE:LAB – a competence center for biomaterials on the Campus Teltow-Seehof – with over 2,000 square meters. Currently, 55% of the building, which opened in late 2022, is leased. By the end of 2023, 75-80% is expected. Together with Hereon Helmholtz Zentrum, a start-up ecosystem is being developed in the life sciences and bioeconomy sectors.

The Chemical Invention Factory at the Technical University of Berlin plans to host faculty spin-offs in the future. The mission of CIF is to boost start-up activities based on the excellence of the chemical sciences in the Berlin region. Being located at the University’s campus in the middle of Berlin, CIF is offering early-stage teams the necessary laboratory- and office-space as well as access to ecosystem-partners such as mentors, coaches, funding and public authorities.


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